Commercial Law

Buying or Selling
a Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget erat sodales, viverra lorem non, dapibus velit. Ut dictum dictum interdum. Praesent vel mi vitae est ornare venenatis ut sed urna. Duis mollis, arcu a pretium vestibulum, erat leo varius lorem, ut ullamcorper arcu risus a metus. Proin elementum consequat libero ac rutrum. Quisque et nulla a risus sodales suscipit sed nec quam. Duis lorem lacus, pharetra in ipsum eget, sagittis varius purus. Nulla ac hendrerit urna, ac ornare ex. Aenean in blandit mi. Sed sit amet massa orci. In id bibendum ante. Praesent hendrerit faucibus felis in finibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget erat sodales, viverra lorem non, dapibus velit.



Are you investing in a business, partnership or trust? Negotiating the terms of shareholder agreements can be very time consuming and difficult as there are a lot of matters to consider. We are able to better advice you on your governing business relationships and arrangements, detailing rights and responsibilities of parties to meet and protect your interests.

Call us today for your obligation free enquiry to find out

  • How can liability be shared between shareholders and investors?
  • Who will decide on how profits are distributed?
  • Who will fund the business?
  • What happens if shareholders cannot agree in making a decision? How can disputes be resolved?
  • How are voting powers distributed and how will binding decisions be made?
  • How will mandatory meetings be held and how often?
  • Ending the business? What can you do if you decide to sell the business? Is the death of an investor the end of the business and what does this mean for remaining investors? How can shareholders leave or exit the business and how?
  • Can control be passed from one shareholder to another?

Our lawyers understand that there is no business or shareholder agreement that is entirely the same and agreements must be tailor made in a manner that suits your specific requirements. We speak your language and achieve your better outcome.


Right loan, Right Lender at the Right TimeBorrowing money can come with terrible consequences should you fail to repay the money back with the interest. Understanding that loans are way more than borrowing and repayments is essential for your business.


Your main considerations in any loan arrangement must cover

Is this the best loan option for me?

Is this the best lender for my business?

Who is borrowing the money? Is it you, your business or a combination of both?

Is the borrower then the most appropriate for tax and any risk issues?

How much interest will be charged on your loan? Is it the correct amount and can it be changed?

What happens if the borrower delays repayments or fails to ever repay the loan? What can the lender do to you in that situation?

Who is the security provider under the loan? And what security is the lender undertaking and is it adequate?

Will the lender require any special guarantee?

Does your loan agreement come with any special conditions and how do these affect you?

Our team of friendly lawyers can assist you to

Review your lenders loan agreement and help you better understand any important terms including non-standard terms as well

Review any security documents that your lender may have asked of you

Negotiate any terms of your loan that you are uncomfortable with and

Satisfy your lenders requirements by providing you with a certificate of legal advice


Your supply, service and distribution agreements are essential for the running of any business. Once you decide to engage in business with a supplier, it is a good and proactive measure to document the terms of trade in a written contract. This will clarify and almost eliminate disagreements about each party’s rights and responsibilities.

Suppliers may often have their own written agreements, which we can negotiate for you. If you are a supplier and do not have your own written agreement, WE DRAFT THESE CONTRACTS TOO covering your

  • Supply conditions, volume, price, discounts, ordering periods and delivery times.
  • Payment terms and penalties for late payments and or consequences for default.
  • Limited liability
  • Intellectual property
  • Confidentiality
  • Insurance
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Termination and Exclusion Clauses

Any Commercial Documents

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lacus lacus, mattis quis vulputate eu, vulputate ullamcorper nunc.

Morbi venenatis vestibulum leo at mattis. Curabitur ullamcorper magna vitae dolor porta, vel laoreet erat iaculis. Curabitur commodo magna ut massa ultricies, ut semper justo mattis. Integer nec tortor dolor. Sed non pellentesque velit. Nullam nec dictum nulla, sit amet laoreet tortor. Proin laoreet, ipsum at volutpat porttitor, lacus erat varius mi, at pulvinar orci erat a sapien. Aenean vitae justo sit amet metus auctor iaculis. Duis pretium mauris purus. Pellentesque id tortor turpis. Suspendisse a purus tellus. Duis eu fringilla dui, eu cursus sem. Suspendisse eros mi, mattis quis lobortis in, pharetra eu lacus. Morbi odio leo, scelerisque vitae elit ut, suscipit ornare ex.


Jhony Goaver

CEO of American BDS

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.

Kevin Peterson

CEO of American BDS

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.

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